26 January 1915; Tuesday

At work as usual. Went down to practice at night. Mother went to see about a shop in Eldon Street, Chester Road, and interviewed a woman about a [sic] shop. We decided to take it.

Decided to take shop & house in Eldon Street1.

  1. Eldon Street runs north from Chester Road (the road to Chester‐le­‐Street), just E. of the General Hospital, in Bishopwearmouth (what is now Sunderland consisted of Monkwearmouth and Sunderland, north and south respectively at the mouth of the Wear, and Bishopwearmouth on the S. side of the river, about 1 mile W. of Sunderland; see eg. Meikle & Newman Sunderland and its Origins, Victoria County History publications 2007.) At the start of the diaries, January 1914, C.W.Linfoot and his family had lived at 4 Salem Hill South, towards the SW. edge of Sunderland.