4 July 1916; Tuesday

Marched off about 2 o’clock. Back to Albert. Received tea at our hospital and then were taken to lie down by wall. Paddy Graham and I went together. It started to rain heavily. We got very wet. Captain Johnson came for us and took us to an old stable. I found a cab and lay curled up in it all night. Trousers wet and ground sheet soaked through. Just took off puttees and boots. Had good feeds of biscuits. Sent field postcard home. Received parcel with some cakes in. Rained heavily most of the day. A lot of men had German helmets. A rat ran up my sleeve as I leaned out of the barn window writing up my diary. Received first wash <and> shave since Friday. Heard that 10 thousand walking and 1 thousand stretcher cases and 80 German cases had been treated at our hospital. Went to bed in a broken down wine shop. Two fellows slept on billiard table. Washed feet in bucket. Slept well. Got *.