26 July 1916; Wednesday

This is an extract from Arthur Linfoot’s own transcription of his diary, written in 1976.

Got a piece of shrapnel out of the shoulder of a Y. & L soldier. Stayed up until about 1.30 a.m. and slept until about 7 o’clock. Had good night though Germans sent over gas shells after a while. Were relieved at 8 o’clock and marched down to about the dressing station then on to billets near the chateau. After calling at ASC park got to know that a big munitions dump had been fired and that Sergeant Jones had been killed and Sergeant Brown wounded at about 8 o’clock. Two men had been gassed the night before and five men had gone down the line. Fine day. Returned to old billet with Lavere. Heard that Ted Trim (stretcher bearer) had been awarded the DCM on 2nd July. Parcel from home and letter from Joe. Had eggs, brown bread and butter for tea.