3 August 1916; Thursday

This is an extract from Arthur Linfoot’s own transcription of his diary, written in 1976.

Up at 5.30 breakfast at 6. Sent on waggon duty. Put my kit on a motor ambulance and went with it to Mericourt station. Met the unit there and told to follow them. Hurried back to Laviéville, got my pack and hurried to Mericourt. Entrained in cattle trucks at about 10 o’clock. Passed through Longpre and Amiens at about 1.30. Got off train there and were led in wrong direction. Marched about three hours in hot sun. Terrible dusty roads. Blister under right heel. Billeted in bivouac in a field with Duggins. Walked to the village – Vauxchelle – after tea. Had two eggs at one house and a feed at another.