[Very faint and smudged]
Up at 6.30. Busy first thing as usual. Grand day. About 8 o’clock a German aeroplane came over and dropped two bombs. One fell on a dump or train of ammunition which was behind the aerodrome and blew the lot up. It went on for about 3 or 4 hours. Some very big explosions which broke most of the glass in the town. The people had the wind up and were moving from the town at night. Went to the Y M pictures at night. With Whittaker. Called for Billy Truman’s watch and didn’t get it1. Saw one of our crews at the C C S and the driver said that the R W F2 had made a raid and captured 70 Germans.
ALL had taken Billy Truman’s watch to Bailleuil on 2 June, presumably to get it repaired. ↩
R W F: the 9th Royal Welch Fusiliers were in the 19th (Western) Division. ↩