31 August 1918; Saturday

Up at 7 o’clock and on parade at 8 o’clock. Not much to do. Sick parade as usual. Received letter from home and pc1 from Ernie to say he is getting on well.

Heard that we have captured Baileul2 & Dranoutre3.

  1. “pc”: Presumably post card. 

  2. Baileul: ALL always omits one ‘l’ from ‘Bailleul’ in his longhand; the transcription follows this, but where he writes it in shorthand, ie phonetically, it is transcribed with the correct spelling. 

  3. Dranoutre: NE. of Bailleul, near Kemmel and Locre – no doubt overrun in the March offensive (see 21 March); Michelin square I3.