24 January 1914; Saturday

Got up about 8 o’clock. Finished work about 2 o’clock. Hurried up with Father to see Dr Robinson and he was pretty reasonable1. Went to the Picture House [Picture House written beneath] and saw some decent pictures. We were in the 3d2. seats. Hurried up to Trinity3 and heard a good lecture on Zoroastrianism. Went to Roker with Willie. Finished off with a midnight meeting at the chapel and I played. Midnight Meeting. Joe Speed led and Blaikie and Dick sang. Nearly all the people drunk.

  1. Dr Robinson was presumably advising (but which side?) about the workplace accident. Other names not identified. 

  2. “3d.” is three old pence = 1¼p. For the post-­decimalisation generations: there were 12d. to the shilling (s.), and 20s. to the £; thus 6d. = 2½p., 1s. = 5p., 2s. 6d. (written 2/6) = 12½p., 10/-­‐ = 50p., 15/6 = 77½p., 30/-­‐ = £1.50 etc. Decimal equivalents are not generally given hereinafter. 

  3. Trinity: see note on 10 January