Tag Archives: Father

Diary entries which mention Arthur Linfoot’s father, Christopher William Linfoot. See the Family page for more details.

27 November 1918; Wednesday

Up at 8 o’clock. Walked round the town with Father and made a few purchases. Went down to the mill1 in the afternoon and walked back by the paper mills. Mrs Rowe, Annie2 and Aunt Mary Linfoot3 in to tea. Played piano a lot.

  1. The mill: Hendon Paper Works again. 

  2. Annie: Not positively identified but probably not Sister Annie from church. Annie with no other qualification is mentioned in one previous entry on 3 March 1915, also in conjunction with Mrs Rowe. This may suggest that this Annie was a relative of Mrs Rowe (a daughter?). 

  3. Aunt Mary Linfoot: 2nd wife of Edward Beauman Linfoot? – if so, widowed in 1914

22 November 1918; Friday

Up about 6 o’clock. Had breakfast at the canteen and paraded early. Crossed by 11 o’clock 1 and arrived in London shortly after 3. Had tea at the Y M hut and left by the 5.302. Came up most of the way with an engineer chap. Arrived at midnight and found Joe and Father waiting for me.

  1. 11 o’clock: Presumably the 11am sailing from Boulogne (A) to Folkestone? 

  2. 5.30: presumably the 17:30 train from London (B) to Sunderland (C). 

17 November 1918; Sunday

Up at about 7 o’clock. Had bath at Cauroir1 in the morning. Wrote letters in the afternoon and went to Cauroir to the service at night. Got a bit of a cold and a sore throat.

Received a letter from Father and letter from Mother dated 11th inst. telling me of the doings in Sunderland.

  1. Cauroir (B): written only in shorthand, but seems fairly certain; about 1km SW. of Cagnoncles (A).