17 March 1916; Friday

Got up 7 o’clock. Took in bedding and beds. Paraded for pay. Packed kits. Had dinner at 11.15. Paraded 11.45. Colonel spoke to us and said he was sorry to lose us. Shook hands with McNee† [sic; error for ‘McNeil’?] and Sharpley. Corporal Collins and Hall kept back at the last minute. Marched the party to the train. Our kits went in the motor. Shook hands with Collins, Mr and Mrs Arrowridge and a few more at the station. Black was sorry to be left behind. They cheered us off. Changed at Alnmouth, York and Conisbrough†1. Arrived 6.30. A waggon waiting for us. I marched them up to the barracks. A good tea ready for us. Got out billets in married quarters. Filthy dirty bedding. Felt truly wretched last thing at night. Met Bagley and Willie Hunter.

Left Alnwick for Sheffield.

  1. Conisbrough: The transcription is uncertain, but there is a Conisbrough (C) near Doncaster which would be consistent with a journey from York (A) to Sheffield (B).