Monthly Archives: August 2015

28 August 1915; Saturday

On parade in the morning. Cleaned out rooms. I was orderly man, and missed a route march which the other fellows did.

Received postcard from Joe saying Marmie was going through Sheffield1 and I might see her. Spent the afternoon in the station but didn’t see her. Mr Young† finished off my job. Had tea in the Soldiers’ Home. Played the piano a good bit.

  1. We do not know where Marmie was going; perhaps to Lincoln, where she and Joe had lived up to 1914. 

25 August 1915; Wednesday

Drilled all day. Went to Mr Inwood’s at night with Dunn. I played the piano. Miss Inwood sang some songs and we were still getting on with the Concones1 when some other soldiers came and we played other things. Got to know I was to be on guard tomorrow.

At Inwoods’2 with Dunn.

  1. “Concones”: widely-­used singing exercises by the Italian composer and teacher, Giuseppe Concone; used by Charlie with ALL at home. 

  2. See page: Church – Who were they? 

23 August 1915; Monday

Had drill after dinner. Had to wash out rooms first thing and only paraded at 7 and 10. Inspected by General of Northern Command in the morning. Out with Dunn, Moil and another chap at night. Visited the reading room at the Wesleyan chapel. Miss Inwood walked in and spoke for a minute. Received postcard from Charlie saying he would try to get across to see me.

[Written at foot of previous day’s page -­ ] Monday. Received news of the battle in the Baltic1. The Molke [sic] sunk by a British submarine and 2 or 3 cruisers and 8 German destroyers destroyed or damaged by the Russians, who lost one ship.

  1. The Battle of the Gulf of Riga was a major engagement between the German High Seas Fleet and the Russian Baltic Fleet, but British vessels were involved. The Moltke was indeed torpedoed on 19 August by the British submarine E1, but did not sink, was repaired in Hamburg, and survived Jutland and other engagements, to be scuttled at Scapa Flow at the end of the War. Moltke had previously been involved in several other incidents noted in the diaries, including the Battle of Heligoland Bight, the Raid on Yarmouth, the Raid on Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby and the Battle of Dogger Bank