Day’s work as usual. Went to Y M at night and heard a Scotsman preaching. The service a pleasant change.
Category Archives: February 1917
17 February 1917; Saturday
At work as usual. Frost again and heavy rain.
16 February 1917; Friday
Usual day’s work. Frost easier and rain fell.
15 February 1917; Thursday
Up at 7.20. 19 in my tent. Finer morning, though still frosty.
14 February 1917; Wednesday
Up shortly before 7 o’clock. Fed tent. Washed and shaved as usual and got ready for M O. Frost again, but fine morning.
Went to Lealvillers at night to the aerodrome picture house. Concert by the Naval Division Follies. A lot of nonsense.
13 February 1917; Tuesday
12 February 1917; Monday
Up at 7 o’clock. Busy all day. Usual work. Went to bed early.
Slightly warmer in the afternoon.
Several British advances made about this time. Also crisis with U S A and Germany. And the submarine ban†1.
11 February 1917; Sunday
Up at 7 o’clock. Busy all day. Finished shortly before 7 o’clock at night. Went to service in YM hut. Ned, the dog1, went with us. Pretty good service. Sang “Sun of my soul2.”
Frost still holding.
This is the only mention in the diary of Ned, the dog. Dogs were used extensively by all sides during the conflict so the presence of a dog is unsurprising. Given that ALL was attached to a medical facility, it is possible that Ned was a casualty dog although he may just have been a mascot or pet. See The role of animals during World War One at the BBC Newsround site. ↩
Sun of my soul, a hymn written in 1820 by John Keble (1792-1866) after whom Keble College, Oxford is named. ↩
10 February 1917; Saturday
9 February 1917; Friday
Up at 7 o’clock. Work as usual. Frost still holding.