Up at about 7.30. Ordered to pack up and march off about 11 o’clock. Marched after dinner until nearly 5 o’clock, when we arrived at Sepmeries1. Received letter from Ernie. Pretty heavy march and we were tired when we arrived. Got down to bed early and slept well.
Tag Archives: Bettrechies
13 November 1918; Wednesday
Up about 7.30. On parade in the morning and put up marquee. Had a bath, took clothes to wash, had hair cut. Dismissed parade in the afternoon. 5 men gone on leave and other five leaves through. Had walk at night and turned in early.
12 November 1918; Tuesday
Up shortly after 7 o’clock. Walked round village in the morning and paraded for cocoa† in the afternoon. Went to concert given by the Gloucesters at night. Terms of armistice announced. Steve Bott, John Dory and Snyder performing. Returned about 8 o’clock. Had porridge and went to bed early. Fine night.
11 November 1918; Monday
Up about 8 o’clock. On fatigue from 9.30. Heard shortly after 10 that Hostilities were to cease at 11 o’clock. A good deal of excitement in the village.
Armistice Day.
10 November 1918; Sunday
Up about 7 o’clock and moved off at about 9.30. Arrived at Bettrechies1 about noon. A D S people and most of the bearers arrived shortly afterwards. Heard that peace was imminent and that the German navy was in a state of mutiny. Had long walk round about village at night with Harvey and sleep† with Billy Truman. Received letter from home at night.
Bettrechies (B): halfway between Houdain-lez-Bavay (A) and Bry; i.e. now moving W. after the long march E. ↩