Tag Archives: Bettrechies

14 November 1918; Thursday

Up at about 7.30. Ordered to pack up and march off about 11 o’clock. Marched after dinner until nearly 5 o’clock, when we arrived at Sepmeries1. Received letter from Ernie. Pretty heavy march and we were tired when we arrived. Got down to bed early and slept well.

  1. Sepmeries (B): 15km WSW. of Bettrechies (A) and 9km SSE. of Valenciennes; Michelin square N6. 

10 November 1918; Sunday

Up about 7 o’clock and moved off at about 9.30. Arrived at Bettrechies1 about noon. A D S people and most of the bearers arrived shortly afterwards. Heard that peace was imminent and that the German navy was in a state of mutiny. Had long walk round about village at night with Harvey and sleep† with Billy Truman. Received letter from home at night.

  1. Bettrechies (B): halfway between Houdain-lez-Bavay (A) and Bry; i.e. now moving W. after the long march E.