Tag Archives: Bry

9 November 1918; Saturday

Up at about 6.30. Moved off to Houdin1 at 8.30 and arrived about 11 o’clock. Fitted up sick room. We left the few bearers behind with six days’ rations. Our bearers left new† position and moved up the line again. A rumour of big victories and peace.

  1. Houdin: Houdain-lez-Bavay (B), 8km E. of Bry (A), just N. of the D649; Michelin square O6. 

8 November 1918; Friday

Called up at 1 o’clock to go on night duty. Shaved about 2 o’clock and stayed up all night. Rather sleepy. Got breakfasts for patients. Fell in about 8.30 and arrived at Pry1 at about 10 o’clock. Opened up hospital. A few of our bearers down with sore feet. Carter ruptured himself and went down. A few of our bearers including John Dory came down slightly sick.

  1. Pry: probably Bry (B), 3km E. of Jenlain (A) – there is a Prouvy, but this is 13km away to the W.