Tag Archives: Cagnoncles

21 November 1918; Thursday

Up at 5 o’clock. Old John got breakfast for me and we got a car. Left Cambrai shortly before 8 o’clock. Arrived at Boulogne1 at about 9 o’clock at night and went to a rest camp. Had dinner and slept 14 in a tent.

Left unit on leave.

  1. The map shows this stage of ALL’s journey to home leave, from Cagnoncles (A), via Cambrai (B) to Boulogne (C). 

18 November 1918; Monday

Up at about 7 o’clock. Had walk in the morning. Opened hospital and I was detailed for night duty. Received letter from George Crawford1. Went on duty at night. Another patient in at night last thing.

  1. George Crawford: as mentioned in 1914 – 15 diaries, an office colleague at Hendon Paper Works; a shorthand note at the end of the 1918 diary appears to say he was in the Army Veterinary Corps, at No 9 Veterinary Hospital, BEF, France. 

17 November 1918; Sunday

Up at about 7 o’clock. Had bath at Cauroir1 in the morning. Wrote letters in the afternoon and went to Cauroir to the service at night. Got a bit of a cold and a sore throat.

Received a letter from Father and letter from Mother dated 11th inst. telling me of the doings in Sunderland.

  1. Cauroir (B): written only in shorthand, but seems fairly certain; about 1km SW. of Cagnoncles (A). 

16 November 1918; Saturday

Up about 7 o’clock. Marched off shortly after 9. Arrived at Cagnocles1 about 2 o’clock. Wrote and did French at night. Had short walk.

  1. Cagnocles: Cagnoncles (B), 14km W. of Haussy (A) and 6km E. Cambrai.