Tag Archives: Floringhem

18 September 1918; Wednesday

Up shortly after 6 o’clock. A lot of messing about and marched off 10 o’clock. Arrived, after numerous stops at our headquarters about 4.30. Headquarters near Esems1. Got a kip, had tea, read letters. One told me of the death of Kenneth MacDonald2 and another of the death of Mr Rowe. Fairly tired. Got down to it early.

  1. Esems: not identified under this name; something that looks more like Essars (B), 20km ENE of Floringhem (A) occurs on 2 October (Michelin square H4); see 2 October

  2. Kenneth MacDonald, Ranald MacDonald’s brother whom ALL had noted as missing on 27 August

17 September 1918; Tuesday

Travelled all day until about 2 o’clock when we arrived at Pernes1. Marched to the reception camp at Floringhem2 and put up for the night. Saw Piggy Wood and Don Gordon. A lot of Americans there – hefty fellows. Poor billet.

  1. Pernes (B), about 160km NE of Rouen (A). 

  2. Floringhem (C): close to Pernes on the D916, midway between St Pol and Lillers; Michelin square G5.