Tag Archives: Saint Pierre Divion

13 November 1916; Monday

Got a few hours’ sleep during the night. Up all morning stretcher bearing at the dressing station. Went out with two horse ambulances in the afternoon to Buzincourt1. Found things pretty slack when I returned. Saw a lot of ambulances with wounded on the road. Treated about 70 cases at our station.

Our Division over the top. Naval Division captured Beaumont Hamel, Beaucourt & St Pierre Divion2 and over 5000 prisoners.

  1. Bouzincourt (A) again; ALL would have started this journey at Brickfields (B) as usual. 

  2. Beaumont-Hamel (C) is about 7km due N. of Aveluy, ie to the NW of the Albert – Bapaume road; Michelin square H7. “Beaucourt” is written in extremely faint pencil, and could be “Beaumont”, but Beaucourt-sur-l’Ancre (D) (Michelin square I7) is just 3km E. of B.Hamel and seems more likely; Saint Pierre Divion (E) (also square I7) is about 3km S. of Beaucourt, thus only 4 –5km N. of Aveluy.