Tag Archives: Band of Hope

A Victorian temperance organisation which still exists as Hope UK.

30 April 1916; Sunday

[The pages for 29 & 30 April, which face each other, are badly smudged, in part illegible.]

At church in the morning. Band of Hope and * anniversary. Went again in the evening with Green. At Inwoods’ to tea. Slipped away from church at night to see the men before they go. Draft went to France. 500 men and a few N.C.O.s. All Alnwick men<,> nearly went with them. Paraded 9.30. Marched off about 11 o’clock. Awful crowd in the town. Great excitement. Left station shortly after 12 o’clock. The band played them out and there was tremendous cheering. Shook hands with Jackson, Foot, Metcalfe, Plummer, Parkin†, and all the rest of them. Also Willie Hunter, and George Baglin†.

18 March 1914; Wednesday

Got through work in decent time. Joe received message from Newcastle with regard to the place he applied for. He went to Newcastle and practically fixed it. At night he went to see Dr Todd in regard to a postcard he had received.

Band of Hope Concert1. Very poor house. The social a success from a musical point of view. Pye and Charlie sang all right and Miss Robson was not so bad. Briggs managed all right. I played pretty well. Miss Hunter and the children were pretty well taken with. Mr Morley was good but had poor reception. Mr Chadwick didn’t turn up except for his speech. A lot of excitement at home about it.

  1. Band of Hope: See note on 13 January

11 March 1914; Wednesday

Not very busy at work. Finished early. Played a bit. Went to see Mr Morley with regard to the Band of Hope1 social. He was not in but I saw his wife. Read a bit.

Sunderland beaten by Burnley by 2 – 1. At church meeting whether an invitation should go to Mr Chadwick to stay another year2.

  1. “Band of Hope”: See note on 13 January

  2. Methodist ministers were appointed, for fixed terms of office, by the meeting of members of their chapel. 

21 February 1914; Saturday

At work in good time. Got lunch at the office and went to the match from Grangetown with Alf. Sunderland 2 Preston 0. Rather unsatisfactory game. Bit late for meeting. Called for Willie at night and went to the Memorial Hall1. Mr Newrick’s choir providing the entertainment. Charlie saw Susie Robson and she promised to go to the Band of Hope2.

Joe received word from Dr Todd with regard to the secretaryship of the British Medical3 for the North of England.

  1. Memorial Hall: See note on 10 January

  2. Band of Hope: See note on 13 January

  3. “British Medical” appears to be correct, with no word such as “Association” following; such an appointment with the BMA would have been a notably exalted position for Joe. 

4 February 1914; Wednesday

[In shorthand above printed date -­ ] Wrote to New Zealand.

Got <up> at 4 o’clock and watched Father while Mother rested a bit. Dr Blair admits it to be pneumonia. Went to Band of Hope1 meeting at night and stayed to Mr Chadwick’s meeting. Mr Chadwick down. I played for the meeting. Felt pretty jaded at night. Joe got a reply from a Leeds firm asking him to go and see them. A good deal of anxiety caused by Father’s illness. Pneumonia. Wrote to New Zealand first thing and posted it.

  1. Band of Hope: See footnote on 13 January

13 January 1914; Tuesday

At work as usual. Frank1 off in the afternoon with a cold. Went down to Band of Hope2 annual general meeting after boxing with Charlie for a bit. Went into choir practice. Fairly good practice for anthem on Sunday. Hurried home and met Jack. He had the forms drawn up and we arranged for him to see his boss about them.

Row with Okie3
Had called for Father’s money and he wouldn’t give it to me. There was a man at the mill taking photographs of the machine4.

  1. Frank: little is known about ALL’s office colleagues at the Paper Mill, except George Crawford. 

  2. “Band of Hope”: Victorian temperance organisation which still exists as Hope UK. 

  3. Okie: a representative of Robson’s Saw Mill? “Father’s money”: probably arrears of wages – there is more about compensation money later. 

  4. Presumably the moulding machine in which Father had lost his two fingers.