Tag Archives: Poperinghe

21 April 1918; Sunday

Reveille at 3.30. Marched off about 6 o’clock. Arrived at Proven 1 at about 10 o’clock. Had something to eat and then started work. Got small dressing room nearly ready when we had to take over D R S 2 and open up the big house. Very nice place. Worked pretty hard. Went into the village at night and were at the end of a church service. The parson very dry. Had good night’s sleep.

  1. Proven (B) about 7km NW of Poperinghe (A). 

  2. “D R S”: Divisional Rest Station; see The Chain of Evacuation of The Royal Army Medical Corps at RAMC in the Great War. 

17 April 1918; Wednesday

Up about 7 o’clock. Did practically nothing all day. A tremendous lot of French troops about. Heard that we are holding our own. The Germans shelled Westouter in the morning and our people had cleared† out of† the convent. Some civilians killed and wounded. A very hot time for the people in the town. Some of our bearers went up again at night.

16 April 1918; Tuesday

Up at 7 o’clock. Moved off to a C C S 1 place behind Poperinghe2 about 10 and arrived at dinnertime. Rested all day and slept well at night. Very heavy fighting all day. Beare†, Nelson, Watson and Gray came down gassed slightly. Heard that Sergeant Watson had been killed within 12 hours of joining us.

  1. CCS: Casualty Clearing Station. 

  2. Poperinge (B), about 5km NNW of Reninghelst (A).