Lay in bed in the morning but went and helped in the ward in the afternoon. Ran up a temperature of 1011 after tea so lay down again.
101°F is about 38.3°C, still a moderate fever and still unexplained. ↩
On duty in the cellar of the hospital. Felt pretty seedy but managed all right.
The bearers went up the line.
Temperature ran up at night.
Up in the morning. Captain MacCombie† turned up and he marked me to attend. I helped them in the ward in the afternoon.
Felt a good bit better and was up part of the day. Corporal Chapman went out. A Canadian next to me. A lot of Canadians in the hospital. Most of them funny. One or two cheeky.
Felt a bit under the weather in the morning and paraded sick with a temperature of 1001. Sent to bed in hospital instead of as orderly as I wished. Lay in bed all day. Felt pretty rotten. Corporal Chapman next to me.
100°F is about 37.8°C. ALL was evidently still running a slight fever, though we don’t know why. ↩
Left Authie about 9.30. Part of the morning† Harry Bascombe left at the hospital in the village. Had to wait several times for the Division to move and in one place had to put off our pack and push the waggons up a very steep bank. Marched about 9 miles. Arrived at Val de Maison1 about 4 o’clock. I felt pretty rotten and got down as quickly as possible.
Temperature 101.4 at night2.
Val de Maison: presumably the Val de Maison (B) in Michelin map square G7, 3km E. of N25, mid-way between Doullens and Amiens, 9 miles/14.5km from Authie (A); it would be about 20km march from Val de Maison to the Brickfields camp at Albert on 23 October. ↩
“Temperature”: Presumably ALL’s body temperature. 101.4°F is c. 38.5°C – a moderate fever – the malaise causing this fever is not specified. ↩