Monthly Archives: February 2014

28 February 1914; Saturday

Got up about 7.30. Finished shortly before 2 o’clock. Had walk to Whitburn in the afternoon with Charlie and Joe. Grand day. Went down to Briggs’ at night and tried some fiddle pieces there. Uncle Ned and his wife in. Went out with Charlie after 10 o’clock. Met Thorp Newby and walked round with him. Went to bed about midnight. Thorp said John Hugill had said I had preached a good sermon and that he would go again when I preach1.

  1. “A good sermon”: ALL was persuaded to start as a local preacher, but soon gave it up. 

26 February 1914; Thursday

Got up rather late. Busy all day. Finished about 7 o’clock at the office. Charlie up at Mr Pike’s and across at a man called Horton†<’s> house. Mr Horton is a tradesman at Thompson’s and knew Uncle Willie1 and learned music under him. He didn’t get in until 12 o’clock.

  1. Probably William Gaylard Linfoot, ALL’s youngest paternal uncle, who had gone to New Zealand; but there may have been a maternal Uncle Willie too. 

23 February 1914; Monday

Got up about 8 o’clock. Joe went to Huddersfield. He got back at night and said he was to hear next week. Charlie off work on holiday. He went up and saw Mr Pike and he promised to sing. Played piano a bit at night. Went down to see Mr Briggs, but he was not in. Father still improving. Received rather alarming news with regard to Mr Whittaker.

22 February 1914; Sunday

At chapel and School as usual. Managed very well. Mr Chadwick preaching. A young lady sang at night and we sang the anthem “Seek ye the Lord”. Charlie took the tenor solo and did very well. Had usual walks. Willie out but went straight home. Uncle Jack, Aunt Esther, Jack and Hilda1 in at night. Fine day. Rather windy. Father still improving. Doctor missed again.

  1. See Hilda disambiguation page. 

21 February 1914; Saturday

At work in good time. Got lunch at the office and went to the match from Grangetown with Alf. Sunderland 2 Preston 0. Rather unsatisfactory game. Bit late for meeting. Called for Willie at night and went to the Memorial Hall1. Mr Newrick’s choir providing the entertainment. Charlie saw Susie Robson and she promised to go to the Band of Hope2.

Joe received word from Dr Todd with regard to the secretaryship of the British Medical3 for the North of England.

  1. Memorial Hall: See note on 10 January

  2. Band of Hope: See note on 13 January

  3. “British Medical” appears to be correct, with no word such as “Association” following; such an appointment with the BMA would have been a notably exalted position for Joe. 

20 February 1914; Friday

Very busy at work. Didn’t finish until about 6.30. Called at Chadwicks’ and saw Mrs and then went up to see Mr Rutherford. He said he never went to any meeting on Sunday afternoon, but stayed at their place always. Went to post last thing. Charlie called at Willie’s. Willie getting well again. Father still improving. Joe got word from Huddersfield to say that he may go there and see them early next week.
Huddersfield & Joe.