Went out with Mother in the morning. Visited Granny and Whittakers and Uncle George and Aunt Mary. Stayed in and played duets all the afternoon. Left by the 6.38. All family to see me off, and Willie Whittaker, Uncle Jack and Hilda1 and Whittaker family. Joe travelled with me to Pallion. Met Shepherd at Durham and travelled by a through train. Got car into city and arrived at barracks about mid night.
Tag Archives: Jack and Hilda
7 November 1915; Sunday
Got up at 9 o’clock. Joe working until tea time. At chapel in the morning and Billy Marshall set me up to Vine Place. Walked to Uncle George’s after dinner-time. Went to chapel at night and stayed to sacrament. Came up with Joe. Jack and Hilda1 to tea. Played the piano at night. At home.
2 January 1915; Saturday
Got up at 7 o’clock and walked with Charlie to Seaham Harbour first thing. Had rain in torrents and we were wet through. I got the 9.20 train back and was home about 9.45. Played ping pong. Went up town in the afternoon with Father. Bought new cap for 3/6. Went to Concert in Victoria Hall1 and heard Radford & Miss Edith Evans, Miss Bland, Mr John Bull and Mr Arthur E Gover2 on the organ. A fine snow. Willie back and Edie, Jack and Hilda3 to supper at Marmie’s. Charlie back at night. Finished the party at about 12.30.
Victoria Hall: See 10 January 1914. ↩
The artistes’ names, except the two in longhand, are fairly speculative transcriptions. ↩
2 June 1914; Tuesday
Got up about 9 o’clock. Read and played first thing. Shaved and went to Roker in the afternoon. Had a bit trouble with sore foot. Stayed in at night. Edie and Nelly Frere came up to see Mother while I was in. Charlie and I spoke to them in the town in the afternoon. They were with Jack and Hilda1 and the baby. We saw them at Roker too. I read a good bit.
4 April 1914; Saturday
At work as usual. Busy all morning. Finished about 1.30. Got missionary money squared up. Bought two books for prizes, and got money changed at Fred Waggott’s1. Went to Roker at night with Charlie and Willie. Read a bit. Jack2 got a baby. He was at our house at 7 o’clock in the morning. George’s letter printed. Mine not.
22 February 1914; Sunday
At chapel and School as usual. Managed very well. Mr Chadwick preaching. A young lady sang at night and we sang the anthem “Seek ye the Lord”. Charlie took the tenor solo and did very well. Had usual walks. Willie out but went straight home. Uncle Jack, Aunt Esther, Jack and Hilda1 in at night. Fine day. Rather windy. Father still improving. Doctor missed again.
8 February 1914; Sunday
Charlie out soon. I got up after 9 o’clock. Off chapel in the morning. Mr Crew preaching. Went down to School late. Father still improved. Willie Marshall in charge†. Charlie, Willie Whittaker and I went over to North Bridge Street1 Presbyterian church at night and heard Mr Middlemiss† preach and Mr Newrick play2. Joe Speed on at our church. Very poor turn out there. Mr Mullens called at our house. Uncle Jack, Aunt Esther, Jack and Hilda3, and Uncle Jack and Aunt Bella and Uncle George all in. And Mrs Spain.
14 January 1914; Wednesday
Frank still off. Busy at work. Jack in at night. He and Hilda1 stayed to supper. We played ping-pong between 10 - 11 o’clock.
Got Swan Fountain Pen for birthday present. Ernie sent 4 on to choose from. I wrote to him at night and returned 3. Father, mother and Charlie buying it. Jack and I tried them at night. Charlie working late. Played the piano a bit. Went to boss. Jack gave me the forms duly drawn out, and full instructions what to do.
Presumbly wife of Jack (probably son of Uncle Jack and Aunt Esther - but see fn. on 12 January); had child, 4 April 1914. See Hilda disambiguation page. ↩