Got up about 7.40. Drilled a bit. Fine morning. In good form. Received wills. Finished in good time. Played a bit. Did some Pelman1. Went out with Charlie last thing.
Monthly Archives: April 2014
29 April 1914; Wednesday
Got up about 7.45. In good time for work. Mr Aitken in rather bad temper and Frank the same. Finished in good time. Aunt Mary to tea. Did a bit Pelman1. Played very little. Went down to meeting with Joe and Mr Chadwick called upon me to pray in the meeting. Walked round with Joe and talked about Pelman course. Had a bath. Went to bed shortly after 11 o’clock.
28 April 1914; Tuesday
Got up well before 8 o’clock. Busy all day. Finished about 6 o’clock. Read a little. Charlie got Toreador’s Song1 and I played it through. Did a bit Pelman2. Went to practice late. Decided on anthem “Send out thy light”. For the anniversary. Fine day.
Toreador’s Song: Possibly the aria “Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre” (“Your toast, I can return it to you”), popularly named The Toreador Song, from the opera Carmen, composed by Georges Bizet to a libretto by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy.
This aria is for bass-baritone, which was Charlie’s singing register (see note on Charlie on the Family page). Presumably Charlie wished to sing it and had chosen ALL as accompanist on this occasion. ↩
27 April 1914; Monday
26 April 1914; Sunday
At chapel and Sunday School as usual. Mr Kilver† preached in the morning and Mr Lawson at night. Went to Whittakers’ to tea with Willie and Charlie. Went in to supper too, and talked until nearly 12 o’clock. Found out that the pastor’s† work is done. Grand day.
25 April 1914; Saturday
Got up in good time. Busy at work. Finished about 2 o’clock. Went to Roker in the afternoon. Saw a rocket fired from the North Pier to the South Pier. Played the piano a bit. Went out with Willie at night. Saw a man in Fawcett Street very ill. The ambulance took him away and we learned afterwards he had died through breaking a blood vessel. Went down to Roker.
24 April 1914; Friday
23 April 1914; Thursday
Got up about 7.45. Busy all day at work. Finished about 5.30. Spent night at chapel Choosing Anniversary hymns. Ralph Hunter, Blaikie, Willie, Charlie and Mr Lawson there. America at War with Mexico1.
“America at War . .”: during the Mexican Revolution, on 9 April 1914 nine US marines had been arrested in Tampico (the “Tampico Affair”), and in worsening relations, on 21 April the US Navy seized Veracruz, initially without violence, but semi-guerrilla fighting developed. Better relations were eventually restored (with the ‘Constitutional’ government of Carranza), but Veracruz remained in US occupation until 23 November 1914. ↩
22 April 1914; Wednesday
Got up about 7.45. Not much to do at work first thing. Fine day. Finished in good time. Played a little. Wrote for job at a Pallion engineering office1. Walked out last thing. Sent away football coupons2.
Pallion (if correct): district at W. edge of town, on S. bank of Wear; Short Bros. shipyard was there. ↩
“Football coupons” seems fairly clear in the shorthand, but I don’t know what it means; it would not have been football pools. (DL) ↩
21 April 1914; Tuesday
Got up shortly before 6 o’clock. Went for ride1 with Alf first thing. Went up Lady Byron’s Walk and back up the Stockton Road. Fine morning. Finished early at night. Played and read a bit. Went down and saw Mrs Scott about her son who has joined the Sunday School, and talked to her a good bit. Went to choir practice and it was rotten.
Charlie had a tooth out. Joe had his moustache shaved off.
Discussed choir practice for * Monday.
“Ride” would of course be a cycle-ride. There are a Byron Road & a Byron Street in Sunderland, but N. of the river; Lord Byron’s wife was Annabella Milbanke, of Seaham, so Lady Byron’s Walk (if correct) may have been in or near Seaham Harbour. ↩