Tag Archives: Haplincourt

5 March 1918; Tuesday

Up about 7 o’clock. Went to bed for the morning but didn’t sleep. Up in the afternoon and paraded at 4.30. Marched to Bus 1 where the 57th are running a hospital. We are to take over in the morning.

  1. Bus (B): 4km SE. of Haplincourt (A), on NW. side of E19; 10km from Bapaume, 22km from Cambrai; Michelin square J7. 

3 March 1918; Sunday

Up about 7 o’clock. In bed all day. Bad weather. Went to a C of E service at night and it was very good. They took a full musical service as they had an excellent orchestra (the Dorset†) with them. The orchestra also played a couple of selections which were very fine. I wrote to Charlie and Ernie last thing. Came on duty at about 8 o’clock and turned into bed about one o’clock. My face rather badly broken out round my mouth, but my general health much better.

2 March 1918; Saturday

Up about 8.30 and went up to see the medical officer. Very much better but still feeling queer. Spent most of the day in bed. Had short walk in the afternoon, but it was very cold and snowed a good deal. Went on duty at night. Slept in tent at night and the wind nearly blew it down.

26 February 1918; Tuesday

Up about 6.30. Relieved at about 8 o’clock and went to Bapaume 1 for a walk. The town is absolutely in ruins. Returned back about dinnertime. Went to bed after dinner and lay in for tea. Walked at night up to the concert hall but were too late. Went on duty at about 7 o’clock.

  1. Bapaume (B); 7km WNW. of Haplincourt (A). 

24 February 1918; Sunday

Up about 7 o’clock. On parade at 9.15. On fatigue all day cleaning out hut for dispensary. Put on night duty. Went up to service but were just in time for the finish. Sat up until midnight and then got down to it.

Met Leishman1.

  1. Leishman: 73063 Corporal John Leishman of the RAMC, an old comrade of ALL’s from Sheffield, first mentioned on Easter Monday 1916 while ALL was stationed at the Hillsborough barracks. Sadly, nothing is known about the circumstances of this meeting with Leishman.