Up about 7 o’clock. Packing up in the morning. Paraded at 2.30 pm and marched off about 3.15 to Haplincourt1. Vile billets. Received letter from Gertie.
Haplincourt (B): 3km N. of Rocquigny (A). ↩
Up about 7 o’clock. Double in the morning and fatigues all day. Lecture on prevention of disease at night. Wrote letter most of the night.
Received new watch1.
ALL had lost his old watch on 21 January ↩
Up at 3 a.m. Paraded at 4 o’clock and went off in cars to Haplincourt1 crossroads. Got lorries from there to Achiet2 and train from there to Amiens3. Arrived at Amiens about 9.30. Holman taken rather badly. Had good breakfast and then visited the cathedral. In the afternoon visited the museum and were taken round by a Y M man – a very tactful and clever man. The sculpture work was the most magnificent I have seen, and the pictures were very wonderful. Thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the museum. Had tea and got train about 5.50. Arrived back at 9.45, very tired. Gertie’s Birthday.
Lay in bed all day. Had walk out at night. Arm rather sore and a bit of a headache.
Up about 7.30. On parade and on fatigue all the morning. Warned for inoculation in the afternoon. Walked round village at dinner time.
Inoculated in the afternoon. Wright did it and stuck the needle right in.
Up about 6.30. Packed up stuff and helped to pack waggons and moved off from Metz about 9.15. After being lost, Got to number 13 rail station and went by light rail to Roquigny1. Arrived there about 12 o’clock. A most desolate hole. A German line of trenches near and innumerable shell holes all about beside the ruined village and blasted woods. Went to bed early. Very poor billet and wholly packed. On fatigue in the afternoon until pretty late. Out on fire picket.