At chapel at night and at Sunday School as usual. Fell down in Chester Road and tore my trousers and hurt my knee a bit. Joe took children’s service and Marmie played for him. Willie Whittaker and Olive, Ada and Daisy to tea. Blaikie couldn’t come. Had usual walks, and a good walk round by Grindon at night.
Tag Archives: Marmie
18 July 1915; Sunday
At church as usual. Marmie playing organ. Mr Hammond preaching in the morning, and Mr Roope at night. Mr Roope preached a very good sermon, and Marmie managed all right. Had usual walks.
17 July 1915; Saturday
8 January 1915; Friday
At work as usual. Busy all day. Didn’t get sales-book written up. Read a bit. Went round with Joe last thing. Hilda & Marmie still in bed.
7 January 1915; Thursday
Got up shortly before 8 o’clock. Ernie went back to St. Andrew’s, Charlie to Seaham. Mr Scott discovered a mistake of thousand pounds in my total and in the sales-book. Received account of Lord Kitchener’s speech in the House of Lords and it was satisfactory. Marmie & Hilda both in bed all day. My cold a lot better. Charlie arrived at night from Seaham & said he was finished there. Dr. Scott down to Hilda.
2 January 1915; Saturday
Got up at 7 o’clock and walked with Charlie to Seaham Harbour first thing. Had rain in torrents and we were wet through. I got the 9.20 train back and was home about 9.45. Played ping pong. Went up town in the afternoon with Father. Bought new cap for 3/6. Went to Concert in Victoria Hall1 and heard Radford & Miss Edith Evans, Miss Bland, Mr John Bull and Mr Arthur E Gover2 on the organ. A fine snow. Willie back and Edie, Jack and Hilda3 to supper at Marmie’s. Charlie back at night. Finished the party at about 12.30.
Victoria Hall: See 10 January 1914. ↩
The artistes’ names, except the two in longhand, are fairly speculative transcriptions. ↩
25 October 1914; Sunday
At chapel and School as usual. Managed pretty well in School. 2 new scholars. Wet afternoon and night and no walks. Marmie and Joe and Dorothy to tea at Willie and Lily’s. Got news that the Badger1 had rammed a German submarine off the Dutch coast.
HMS Badger: a torpedo boat – only 990 tons – and this was said to be the first successful attack by an Allied ship on a German submarine (the U-19): Wikipedia says that this ramming occurred on 24 October. ↩
11 October 1914; Sunday
Felt unwell first thing. Stayed in bed until dinner time. Had walk out in the afternoon. Went to Lily & Willie’s to tea with all the rest of the family but Joe and Marmie. Went to chapel at night. Mr Mathews preaching again and was awful. We talked to Willie Peake until late and didn’t get home until late.
Hear of fall of Antwerp. 2000 Naval men interned in Holland & some Belgian soldiers. Great excitement in town.
9 September 1914; Wednesday
Had heavy cold. Joe and Marmie went to church meeting. I stayed in tonight and read and played.
Germans defeated at Battle of Marne1. Oceanic2 wrecked off North of Scotland. No losses.
“Battle of Marne”: See note on 6 September. ↩
Oceanic: See note on 8 September. ↩
4 July 1914; Saturday
Went on the moors with Joe in the morning. Father, mother and Gertie went to Barnard Castle in the afternoon. Charlie and I stayed near home and read. Joe and Marmie knocked about a bit. Played “golf” in the morning with Joe’s ball. Had walk by Spital Way at night.